Nasal and sinus disorders are typically treated with medical therapy first. However, when medical treatment such as oral medications and nasal sprays and irrigations fail, in office procedures or surgery may be recommended by your physician.
During you visit, Dr. Jourdy may perform one of a number of in office diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures. This includes a nasal endoscopy utilizing a high definition camera and nasal scope to thoroughly examine your nasal and sinus cavities, in addition to other procedures utilizing specialized instruments to perform in-office biopsies, cleaning of the sinuses, removal of nasal polyps, and opening of sinuses such (e.g. balloon sinuplasty).

When conservatives measures fail, Dr. Jourdy may recommend surgery to treat his patients’ problem. As a fellowship trained Rhinology and Endoscopic Sinus and Skull Base specialist, Dr. Jourdy offers advanced expertise in nasal and sinus disease, as well as anterior skull base disease. Dr. Jourdy has significant experience with newer minimally invasive surgical approaches to the sinuses, anterior skull base and brain, pituitary gland, and orbits (eyes), to treat disorders in these regions without external incisions.